Our services
Our employees work together to provide quality services to ensure the welfare and safety of residents housed in our institution (medical, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, occupational therapy, social services, entertainment, recreation, pastoral and volunteers). The department of the auxiliary services (food service, hygiene and healthiness), the Users’ Committee and Administrative department provide a service of constant support to our accommodated clientele.
Animation of the living environment
The recreation and volunteer co-ordinator offers a variety of dynamic and stimulating activities as well as outings in the community which allow to give a direction to life for each of our residents.
External services
If you need external services, optometry, dentistry, foot care, etc., your nurse will be able to refer you to various resources. It should be noted that these services are at the residents’ expense.
Administratives services
The financial contribution by accommodated adults is determined by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) for all long-term care centres in Quebec.
Your contribution to the accommodation is based on your financial capacity, your liquid assets, possessions and income and the type of room occupied. On the day of admission, the Administrative Technician will support you in completing the necessary forms.
If you would like more information about the financial contribution by accommodated adults, please refer to the following link from the RAMQ : www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca

Our clients
At the CHSLD Bussey, we accommodate and care for a clientele with a severe loss of physical or cognitive autonomy. Accommodation costs and services for our residents are governed by the Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux, such as public institution.
The clientele is referred by the accommodation access mechanism (MAH) and is subject to the same admission process as in the public network.
Private long-term care institutions, under contract to the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services, for the entire clinical component, are considered as public institutions and must respect the same guidelines and as public institutions. They are governed by the same quality obligations, the same union contract and the same controls by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).